You can start smaller with juveniles and work your way up; a minimum of 20 gallons (30″ x 12″ x 12″) will be fine. Aquarium Synodontis Catfish tank care is easy. So are rainbowfish and leopard bushfish. For African cichlid tanks, consider a Synodontis Petricola catfish. Tank Size. They can reach up to 30 cm. The perfect tank size for Upside Down Catfish is approximately 30 gallons. African cichlids are found in rivers meaning they will appreciate a stronger current. Size: 3-3. Most species of medium/large Synodontis can be sexed using this method but it should be noted that most species take 2 years or more to reach. Catfish can be an excellent addition to an African Cichlid aquarium As the house cleaners of the freshwater aquatic world, they reduce algae build-up and consume extra food that falls to the bottom of the tank. Do not forget to make the water conditions suitable for them to thrive side by side. I’ve been keeping fish, since I was a kid. Tank Size: 5 gallons. Another worth remembering point is that African Cichlids love to hide. That small tank size could pose an issue as your fish gets older. Their temperament is relatively peaceful for cichlids, but males can become territorial, especially during spawning. 5, temperature 77-80°F or 25-27°C). Clown loaches can tolerate temperatures of 74 degrees Fahrenheit, but this is on the low end of what will be acceptable. Tank Size. You can keep Synodontis catfish with other peaceful fish, such as other catfish, but you will need to provide them with enough space. Females are generally smaller and duller in color. Only males exhibit vibrant. Being peaceful creatures, Electric Blue Acaras can coexist with a variety of tank mates. Tank Mates. 8 Feeding: Omnivore Behavior & Care: As a catfish, it is quite hardy and can be forgiving. 5) Discus, Rummy Nose Tetra, and Cardinal Tetra. 5-8. Corydoras Catfish. Cuckoo Catfish – Care | Size | Tank Mates | Lifespan | Breeding. They are called squeakers because they produce a squeaking sound as a warning to both predators and competitors during spawning time. 9 inches (20 cm) in length in the wild, with an occasional specimen reportedly reaching up to 9 1/2 inches (24 cm). Synodontis Catfish Care Sheet. The Synodontis Catfish or Synodontis multipunctatus is a medium- to large-sized African catfish that is attractive, long-lived, and a great tank cleaner. These catfish are native to the African Lake Tanganyika, which is one of the lakes many African cichlids come from. by sidguppy » Mon Mar 23, 2009 10:02 am. Two dominant aggressive temperaments in the same tank will always lead to conflict and fights at some point, which is obviously a major issue. The Cuckoo Catfish, also known by its scientific name Synodontis multipunctatus, is a catfish native to the Lake Tanganyika in Africa. They grow to about 3 inches (7. 5. Most nano catfish species will happily get along with the typical freshwater community fish like tetras, rasboras,. Synodontis catfish; Large Plecostomus catfish; Clown Loaches; How To Breed. Synodontis are nocturnal, so you won't see them out too much during the day, and you should provide them cover to sleep under. 0-8. Pictus Catfish Facts & Overview. I’m Fabian, aquarium fish breeder and founder of this website. Corydoras Catfish: Known for their peace-loving nature, Corydoras Catfish make excellent tank mates for Sailfin Plecos. When it comes to tank size for Hillstream Loaches, bigger is better. The minimum tank size to keep a small group of 4 – 6 cuckoo catfish is at least 55 gallons (48″ x 13″ x 21″) , as this will give them enough space at the bottom and lets them establish their territories. If tank mates are involved, make sure the aquarium is large enough to meet the behavioral needs of your Delhezi Bichir and your other fish!My research tells me that synodontis catfish grow quite large, can be aggressive, are better kept one per tank and are more suited to a cichlid set up. Juveniles may start their lives in 20 – 50 gallon tank before being moved to their more giant, permanent aquarium. Add tank water: After the temperature has equalized, open the bag and add a small amount of tank water (about 1 cup) to it. Gill. Aquarium: A minimum 20-gallon tank is ideal for a single Upside Down Catfish, but a larger one is recommended if you plan on keeping tank mates. Lifespan. Excellent tankmates include Botia Loaches, numerous pleco and catfish varieties, other cichlid species. Also, ensure that there is more than one hiding spot per tank. Water parameters are an easy match and the bala eats a wide variety of foods, making feeding simple. They may eat smaller tank mates, and need to be kept in shoals of 5+. Here are my syno tanks, 120 gal and 2x 55 gal, from 10 years ago. Water Parameters Though there are over 120 different species of Synodontis catfish, the majority of them make great tank mates for cichlids. It can get up to 11. Catfish: Many catfish species make suitable tank mates for Jack Dempsey Fish, particularly those that are large and robust, such as Plecostomus, Synodontis, and Pictus Catfish. Frozen, live and dried foods are all accepted. 5 to 7. If you look through the photos, it may give you an idea of their compatibility and potential tank mates. The tips of its ventral, pectoral, dorsal, and anal fins are white, and the bases are darker. Before adding a catfish to the aquarium, be sure to take a few precautions to reduce aggression. Corydoras catfish mature at less than 4 inches long, making them potential tank mates for smaller species of fancy goldfish. Diet: Omnivorous, both vegetables and protein are consumed in order to obtain overall health. Also, ensure that there is more than one hiding spot per tank. 8. Siamese Algae Eater. Tank Mates: Peaceful community fish:. Even the fastest small fish will eventually become lunch for your cichlid as your cichlid matures, so it is important to select tank mates that are about the same size as. Siamese Algae Eater – Care, Feeding, Tank Mates & Full Details. Select tank mates of a similar size or slightly smaller than the frontosa cichlids. Synodontis Catfish – Care, Types, Tank Mates & Full Details! April 10, 2020. Tank mates. Corydoras are a peaceful and versatile fish; they never squabble and will not harass other tank mates. Large Catfish: Certain types of large catfish, such as the Synodontis species, can make good tank mates due to their non. Most syno cats get between 4-7 inches and can live for over 10 years. Other catfish species that can make good tank mates for Jack Dempsey fish are: Pictus Catfish, Striped Raphael Catfish, Featherfin Synodontis Catfish, and; Iridescent Shark Catfish. Learn more about Synodontis ocellifer, see beautiful images, care and tank info. Synodontis Catfish. Corydoras are typically bottom-dwellers and are often found in schools. Breeding Tank: Set up a separate 10-gallon breeding tank with slightly softer water (pH 5. They prefer neutral to basic water parameters with a pH from 6. Several species of synodontis catfish come from the African Rift lakes and also like the hard, alkaline water your cichlids need to thrive. Juveniles may start their lives in 20 – 50 gallon tank before being moved to their more giant, permanent aquarium. Rate My Fish Tank: Freshwater Compatibility Chart ;Synodontis catfish; Texas cichlid; Tinfoil barbs. Iridescent Shark 101: Care, Diet. Filter: A good quality filter is crucial for maintaining water quality, with a canister or hang-on-the-back filter being among the most popular choices for this species. Synodontis Catfish: Your Guide To Care And Maintenance - Badman's Tropical Fish The Synodontis Catfish or Synodontis multipunctatus is a medium- to large-sized African. Minimum tank size: 20 gallons for a school of four. Siamese Algae Eater. Livingstoni Cichlids are best kept in groups of 1 male with 3 or more females of the same or with other semi-aggressive species in a large tank. The minimum tank size is a 50-gallon tank, while the optimal is a 100-gallon tank size; the latter lets you keep a community of 10 peacock cichlids or so. Good tank mates. Minimum Tank Size: 20 gallons. For a 125 gallon, currently stocked with 11 African glass catfish, 3 ropefish, 1 black ghost knife juvenile. Select tank mates of a similar size or slightly smaller than the frontosa cichlids. Perhaps one of the more surprising tankmates for African cichlids and other large fish, Synodontis Petricola are cute, shy, and good-natured. The water flow in the tank should resemble that of a river. Some medium-sized non-aggressive type of catfish, such as Synodontis catfish or smaller Plecostomus species, make compatible tank mates. The upside-down catfish (Synodontis nigriventris) is a small catfish with the unique habit of swimming and resting upside-down. As long as this beautiful, berry-eyed fish is kept with a cichlid like the African cichlid which is too small to do it harm, it makes a great tank mate. Best. Aquarium: A minimum 20-gallon tank is ideal for a single Upside Down Catfish, but a larger one is recommended if you plan on keeping tank mates. This African Catfish is commonly used as a cleaner in African Cichlid tanks. As with most fish, there are a number of factors that can impact their lifespan. How big do bumblebee catfish get? At a typical adult size of 6 inches (15 cm) , it is a perfect bottom dweller for the medium to large aquarium and it is an excellent tankmate for most other fish that are too large to be considered prey. This is because Cichlids tend to be less aggressive towards their own kind. to success for the cuckoo catfish brood parasitism. Hara jerdoni should be kept in schools of 5 or more. synodontis petricola, also known as the pygmy leopard catfish, is a catfish which grows to a length of approximately 4 inches Native to Lake Tanganyika in Eastern Africa, this species is rare and highly sought amongst aquarists. The scientific name nigriventris refers to the fact that the belly of this fish is darker than the dorsal area. So for a school of 4 catfish you should count on a tank that is at least 50 gallons. The total liquid waste remains in the water permanently. This patterning breaks up as the fish mature and adult specimens have a simple spotted colouration. Delhezi Bichir Tank Size. 30cm. Siamese Algae Eater – Care, Feeding, Tank Mates & Full Details. It has a sand substrate, lots of slate and mopani root and some java fern at the moment. Recommended Freshwater Aquarium Fish Combinations: 1) Apistogramma Dwarf Cichlid and Green Neon Tetra. Water changes are a crucial part of tank maintenance. only keep them with fish of a similar size as they will predate on smaller tank mates, several can be kept together in the aquarium but each specimen. When choosing other Cichlids, it is better to choose other Madagascar Cichlids as their tank mates. Shop Dwarf Petricola (Synodontis lucipinnis) and hundreds of other common and exotic freshwater aquarium fish direct from one of the leading aquarium fish breeders in North America since 1970. Of course, you can add them with suitable tank mates in a community tank, such as Aulonocara species, Synodontis Catfish, and other mildly-aggressive Haps. 8. Synodontis Catfish Often bought when young, most Synodontis catfish need a fair size tank Controlling Snails Snails are a common problem, but there are effective solutions. 99!It is essential to carefully consider tank mates for Oscar fish, as they may not be suitable for community tanks with smaller or more docile species. Most other tank mates, both large and small, will get along fine as long as they. The characteristic ‘feathered’ dorsal also develops with age, with the first few rays developing long extensions. Peacock Cichlids typically measure between 4 and 6 inches (10 to 15 cm) in length. #3. Plecos. Avoid housing them with any slow-swimming fish or fish with long. May 15, 2023Avoid overcrowding: Synodontis catfish prefer to stay in groups of at least 4-5 fish, but too many tank mates or a small living space can cause stress and aggression. Details. The Synodontis Ocellifer Catfish is a very peaceful tank. they are best kept with larger fish such as cichlids to avoid the unnecessary death of smaller tank mates. They have a shiny, iridescent coloration that offers these fish their title. Most plecos make great tank mates for clown loaches. You can start smaller with juveniles and work your way up; a minimum of 20 gallons (30″ x 12″ x 12″) will be fine. Bolivian Rams are generally peaceful and can coexist with a variety of other species. Origin. com. They are members of the African catfish family Mochokidae which contains about 150 different species in 10 genera. Avoid Aggressive Tank Mates And Ornamental Invertebrates. Apr 27, 2018. Tank mates. Before spawning the couple (1 male and 1 female) are put separately and fed well. A minimum tank size of 30 gallons (113. Tank mates for African Cichlids include African Butterfly Cichlid, African Red-Eyed Tetra, Clown Loaches, Flying Fox Fish, Giant Danios, Leopard Bushfish, Murray River Rainbowfish, Plecos, Pictus Catfish, Red. The Synodontis Catfish is a fascinating and unique addition to your Jewel Cichlid tank. Yes, it’s possible to house raphael catfish together with cichlids. Water quality is important to maintain the health of your red devil cichlid. However, neons are tiny, and angelfish will see them as food. Some suitable species of catfish for Oscars include the pictus catfish, the Synodontis catfish, and the Raphael catfish. While common plecos are among the most popular catfish choices, they aren’t the only ones worth considering. Consider pairing these top 10 Peacock Cichlid tank mates in your aquarium: 1) Azureus Cichlid are mild mannered but you do have to watch for dominant males. This is a form of camouflage, making the fish harder to spot by predators above, such as predatory fish, birds etc. Socolofi Cichlids are mouthbrooders, which means that. From that standpoint, they’re among the best-suited tank mates for angelfish. Since they are bottom-dwelling, the two species of fish pay no mind to one another and things are generally peaceful within the tank. To prevent the buildup of phosphates, nitrates, and water hardness, replace at least 25% to 30% of the water weekly. Synodontis Catfish prefer freshwater but can also tolerate brackish water. Choose tankmates carefully for this small species. Before spawning the couple (1 male and 1 female) are put separately and fed well. Avoid keeping venustus cichlids with small, timid fish or species that may nip at their fins. These fish readily accept lots of foods and aren’t picky. Short description. Community with no small fish. Tank Mates. Neons are small, schooling fish that come from the same region as angels. They are frequently found near cover such as driftwood, caves or plants. In this post, we’ll examine which fish make for good companions and offer guidance on how best to house your catfish with them. Therefore, suitable tank mates include species that are not small enough to be considered prey but also not large or aggressive enough to threaten the leaf fish. 5-7. Siamese Algae Eater – Care, Feeding, Tank Mates &. If you have the means to keep a small group of adults, we recommend 55 gallons (48″ x 13″ x 21″) aquarium or more. Cichlids have the most bulk, but as you increase their size, they usually come with aggression. For a fully grown-up fish, you need an aquarium that is at least 30 gallons in size equipped with a 30-inch aquarium hood. If you consider everything we’ve said here and if you make sure that the requirements are met, then they will happily live together. Compatible With: African Cichlids. 22-26°C. Though there are over 120 different species of Synodontis catfish, the majority of them make great tank mates for cichlids. When considering tank mates for your Pleco, it’s crucial to select species that share similar water parameters and aren’t aggressive. Common name: Lace catfish. Tank Size: 30-50 gal (113-189 liters) Temperature Range: 72-82°F (22-28°C) Care Level: Moderate. An oddball of the clan, Synodontis nigriventris is arguably the most fun catfish in the aquarium trade. Siamese Algae Eater – Care, Feeding, Tank Mates & Full Details! February. Your iridescent will more likely eat them. It also doesn’t leave any room for potential tank mates. The tank’s temperature should vary between 75°F and 85°F with a pH of 6. Scientific Name: Synodontis sp. A 30-gallon tank gives them enough room to roam and swim around comfortably. The average lifespan of an upside-down catfish is 5 to 10 years. Many aquarium owners like to house. 5, dH: up to 15 degrees. Synodontis multipunctatus is a species of catfish in the genus Synodontis. The tank mates of the angelfish should feel great in soft water. Cichlids, barbs, rainbowfish, and different strong fishes are excellent tank mates; solely the smaller species of Synodontis Catfish needs to be saved on the whole group aquariums. Tank Size. Prefers crepuscular lighting. #3. Food and Diet. #3. Siamese Algae Eater. Synodontis Catfish – Care, Types, Tank Mates & Full Details! April 10, 2020. Synodontis Petricola is covered in numerous irregular dark brown spots, much smaller in size, and located on the head and ventral region. Pictus catfish are generally peaceful and sociable fish, making. Synodontis are a part of the Mochokidae catfish family, extra generally often known as the ‘bare catfishes’, since they have got a scarcity of body armor or. If you’re keeping Synodontis multipunctatus (commonly known as a cuckoo squeaker). . Synodontis Catfish. Tank Set-Up: Safe and smooth decorations to avoid unnecessary injury but enough to add security within the tank. Synodontis Catfish – Care, Types, Tank Mates & Full Details! April 10, 2020. Adults need a tank size that’s no less than 125 gallons. It is one of the most popular catfish within the aquarium trade and. Synodontis Catfish can eat any sort of meal. In a well-equipped aquarium, you will find it extremely easy to take care of your Upside-Down Catfish. 3) Rainbow Shark and Tiger Barbs. The volume of the aquarium should be sufficient to accommodate a big number of fish. When it comes to selecting tank mates for your Elephant Nose Fish, it’s best to stick with other peaceful species. As juveniles Lace catfish are peaceful but some mature adults may become territorial. Origin: Brazil. Tank Mates. This is to help them camouflage from. Females will have a round papilla; the males will be longer and more triangular in shape. 68°F to 79°F. Considered a dwarf catfish, Synodontis nigriventris reach an adult size of only 3 to 4 inches. 6) Managuense Cichlid, Red Hook Silver Dollar, and Pictus. 5 inches. Oct 1, 2012. Their vibrant colors and lively behavior make them a favorite among angelfish enthusiasts, and they also play a significant role in maintaining a balanced environment. Since they are bottom-dwelling, the two species of fish pay no mind to one another and things are generally peaceful within the tank. 6 liters) is recommended for a single Synodontis catfish, and you should add an additional 10 gallons (38 liters) of tank space for each additional Synodontis you plan to keep. What are the best peacock cichlid tank mates? The best peacock cichlid tank mates are other cichlids such as the azureus and star sapphire. Tank Size: Minimum 30 gallons (113 liters) Temperature Range: 75-80°F (24-27°C) Care Level: Moderate. Other good choices for cichlid tank mates are very speedy, aggressive, large fish. In fact, they make great tank mates for most non-aggressive Mbunas and Haplochromines. Here are some recommended tank mates for African cichlids: Other African cichlids of similar size and aggression level; Synodontis catfish; Plecos; Bichirs; South American Cichlids. The perfect tank size for Upside Down Catfish is approximately 30 gallons. You have a lot of unique options when it comes to Synodontis catfish tank mates! As always, try to keep the sizing similar across the board. Always avoid pairing your Iridescent shark with aggressive fish. They also make good tank mates because they perform a variety of functions such as cleaning the aquarium and keeping it algae free. Tank Mates and Compatibility. Avoid small fish that could be intimidated or injured by the Pleco’s size. The Pygmy Synodontis (Synodontis petricola) is one of the smallest Synodontis, reaching 5 inches in length although they are much smaller at the time of purchase, sometimes under an inch in length. Fahaka Puffer Tank Mates: Friends and Foes. Be warned, however, that the Silver Dollar is large. Some suitable tankmates for Synodontis catfish include: Other peaceful catfish, such as Corydoras or Loricariids; Characins such as tetras, danios, and rasboras; African cichlids; Barbs; Livebearers;. Bolivian Ram Tank Mates: Friends and Foes. Synodontis multipunctatus is a species of catfish in the genus Synodontis. Are you hoping to bring the Synodontis Petricola home? Then you're going to want to read our definitive guide for caregiving details!A large fish that will eat small tank mates. TheWest African lungfish is a freshwater fish that is native to the rivers and lakes of West Africa. Not only do these bottom feeders add variety to a tank, but they also help keep it clean by consuming leftover food and detritus. Compatibility. Examples of Incompatible Tank Mates. It inhabits Kenya, Tanzania, Malawi, and Mozambique. Siamese Algae Eater. Tank Size . Breeding. Use driftwood and fake plants to add even more color and you'll have a colorful assortment of fish with a lot of activity from the loaches and silver dollars. Moderate. Fake logs or a rock cave are perfect for this. Guppy fish are among the most popular and colorful choices for a community tank. Ghost Shrimp, Red Cherry Shrimp, Amano Shrimp) are. I am setting up another 55 gallon tank. Synodontis eupterus is an upside-down species. 2°C). Care Level: Easy. When choosing tank mates, consider the following factors: Size: Avoid small fish that could be mistaken for food. 2 Tank Mates 1. When stocking your aquarium, be sure to allow one gallon of water per one inch of fish. They are a relatively stocky fish, so they don’t require a ton of space to move. Keep in mind that these fish are active and enjoy swimming, so the bigger the tank, the better. The ideal water temperature for clown loaches is said to be between 78 degrees Fahrenheit and 79 degrees Fahrenheit. The most common type of. Lifespan. A full-grown Lace catfish needs a tank size of at least 29 gallons (30″ x 12″ x 18″). synodontis catfish are pretty easy-going when it comes to behavior. The size of tank and the setup influence the level of possible aggression between tank mates. Synodontis Catfish. My question is I would like to add a tanganikan pair of fish (something like a julidochromis species) that would be able to use the same space. These aquarium catfish can reach almost 2 feet long and have a tall, wide dorsal fin. Due to their peaceful nature, Amano Shrimp get along with most tank mates that aren’t aggressive or large enough to view them as food. However, considering their social nature, it’s better to house them in groups, necessitating a larger tank. ©boban_nz/Shutterstock. Here are my syno tanks, 120 gal and 2x 55 gal, from 10 years ago. 66 - 9. They blend in well with their tank mates and even provide a natural form of clean-up, feeding on uneaten food and debris. The best alternative would be to buy a small shoal of corydoras catfish. It can get up to 11. Therefore, it’s crucial to choose suitable tank mates for yellow lab cichlids. Synodontis catfish tank mates. Synodontis catfish; Nyassachromis; Sciaenochromis; Shrimp and crabs aren’t good tank mates for strawberry peacock cichlids, because the fish will eat these tank mates. It's my. Top compatible tank mates for African Cichlids include African Catfish, Red Rainbow Fish, Flying Fox Fish, Leopard Bushfish, etc. Compatability: Make sure the lower level of the tank is not too crowded because these catfish will squabble for cover during daylight hours. Installing a water pump in your fish tanks can achieve such a requirement. Scientific Name: Synodontis nigriventris; Common names: Upside down catfish, blotched upside down catfish; Minimum Tank Size: 30 gallons; Adult Size: 5 inches;Tank Mates. Installing a water pump in your fish tanks can achieve such a. Buy direct from the breeder — live shipping with 100% safe and healthy arrival guarantee. Synodontis Catfish – Care, Types, Tank Mates & Full Details! April 10, 2020. The aquarium will be big enough to give every fish swimming room without feeling cramped. Tank water parameters should be the following: temperature 24—27;°C, pH about 7, hardness dH about 10°. and their colorful scales make for an eye-catching addition to your freshwater tank. Siamese Algae Eater. Ideal tank mates include similarly sized tetras, guppies, and other rainbowfish species. Origin: Bolivia, Paraquay, Brazil, Peru, Africa. Synodontis catfish tank size. The temperature should be between 72 and 82 degrees Fahrenheit. 2. no filter can remove it. The minimum tank size for 1 upside down catfish is 20 gallons, with an additional 10 gallons per fish. Tank Mates. Because these catfish are on the shy side, they do best in a tank with other peaceful fish. The upside-down catfish very seldom spawns in a tank, that’s why to trigger the spawning process hormones injections are used. These fish have a similar size and can handle. Good options include tetras, gouramis, and other non-aggressive cichlids. 8cm (6-7 ") sg. This is rather long when you compare them to other popular aquarium catfish like the Otocinclus. Water Parameters. Upside Down Catfish (Synodontis nigriventris)Home » Blog » 15 Best Cichlid Tank MatesThere are so many delightful cichlids to choose from for the beauty and enjoyment of your fish tank! However, if you’re looking for even more beauty, you may be wondering what are the 15 best cichlid tank companions? As an aggressive and territorial breed of f. Even though the temperature is not a critical factor, but the Upside-Down. This species is also referred to as Mbuna Cichlid. The Featherfin Squeakers inhabit much of Central Africa and can be mainly found in the basins of the White Nile, Volta and. A group of 5-6 loaches would require a tank of at least 55 gallons. 5 to 7. Avoid similar-looking species as well as larger, more aggressive tank mates. 4 Water Parameters. Synodontis Catfish – Care, Types, Tank Mates & Full Details! April 10, 2020. So for a school of 4 catfish you should count on a tank that is at least 50 gallons. If you plan on keeping a small group of Cuckoo Catfish or. These fish inhabit various habitats, such as clear and murky waters, rocky and sandy bottoms, and fast and slow-moving currents. At the end of the day, Upside Down Catfish need as much room to roam as possible. As the name suggests, this catfish has the unique ability to swim upside down, which is an interesting feature to observe and serves as a survival mechanism in the wild. Endlers Livebearers coexist peacefully with other non-aggressive species. The Red Zebras are a popular choice for a Kenyi Cichlid tank mate. Size. They are great tank mates for African cichlids and are really the only appropriate tank mate. You can also house them with small, peaceful livebearers like mollies, guppies, and platys. You have a lot of unique options when it comes to Synodontis catfish tank mates! As always, try to keep the sizing similar across the board. Read this guide to learn more about this species. African cichlids can make great tank mates for the pictus catfish. Most aquarists agree that starting with a 125-gallon tank or larger is the best course of action unless you have a multi-aquarium setup. You can start smaller with juveniles in the tank with 50 gallons or at least 48 inches long. Fast, Hardy Large Fish. Filter: A good quality filter is crucial for maintaining water quality, with a canister or hang-on-the-back filter being among the most popular choices for this species. 9K. Neutral pH (between 6. There are many other tank mates for african cichlids that don't (several types of synodontis catfish would work great) which means less contribution to the. Naples, FL, USA. #3. Some other good examples of compatible tank mates for Livingstoni Cichlid are Rafael Catfish, Plecos, Synodontis catfish, and Larger Rainbowfish. Minimum Tank Size: 10 gallons for one full-grown adult Ranchu and an additional 5 gallons per tankmate. They will hide all the time when kept singly or with aggressive tank mates and only come out at.